Casino Craps Dice

Casino Craps Odds

For a description of the kind of bets you can make playing Craps, see instructions from a real casino or dice-play's Craps guide. If you want to understand more about how odds work, see dice odds. You will be at a slight disadvantage with the Pass Line bet since the odds of the dice. Craps supplies, craps pyramid rubber top rail rubber, casino dice, dice sticks, dice bowl, on/off puck, buttons. Craps supplies, craps pyramid rubber top rail rubber, casino dice, dice sticks, dice bowl, on/off puck, buttons.

Knowing the mathematical odds of the dice achieving a certain outcome is the essence of the game. If you are going to play for money, then try and remember these odds.

For a description of the kind of bets you can make playing Craps, see instructions from a real casino or dice-play's Craps guide. If you want to understand more about how odds work, see dice odds.

You will be at a slight disadvantage with the Pass Line bet since the odds of the dice winning are only 970 times out of 1980. The edge against the dice passing works out as 1.414%.

The following table illustrates the bets found on Vegas/Nevada, Atlantic City, etc., Bank Craps tables. Bets in red can be made in other ways at better odds.

BetTrue OddsPay-offHouse Edge %
Pass Line/Come Bet251 to 2441 to 1 1.414
Don't Pass/Don't Come Bet976 to 9491 to 1 1.402

Pass Line Odds/Come Bet Odds/Buy Bets (5% commission)

Numbers 4 or 10 2 to 12 to 1 4.76
Numbers 5 or 9 3 to 2 3 to 2 4.76
Numbers 6 or 8 6 to 56 to 5 4.76

Don't Pass Odds/Don't Come Bet Odds/Lay Bets (5% commission)

Numbers 4 or 10 1 to 21 to 2 2.44
Numbers 5 or 9 2 to 32 to 3 3.23
Numbers 6 or 8 5 to 65 to 6 4.0

Field Bets

3, 4, 9, 10, 11 5 to 41 to 1 2.78
2, 12 2 to 1

Place Bets

Numbers 4 or 10 2 to 19 to 5 6.7
Numbers 5 or 93 to 27 to 5 4.0
Numbers 6 or 8 6 to 57 to 6 1.52


6 or 8 10 to 19 to 1 9.09
4 or 10 8 to 17 to 1 11.1

One Roll Bets

Any 7 5 to 14 to 1 16.9
Any craps 8 to 17 to 1 11.1
2 craps or 12 craps 35 to 130 to 1 13.9
3 craps or 11 17 to 115 to 1 11.1
Horn Bet (3 or 11) 3.75 to 1
Horn Bet (2 or 12) 7.5 to 1
Big 6 or 86 to 51 to 19.09

British casinosare tightly regulated and pay better odds on some bets. The following table illustrates the differing bets found in British casinos.

Casino Craps DiceCasino craps dice sets
BetTrue OddsPay-offHouse Edge %
4 or 108 to 115 to 25.56
6 or 810 to 119 to 24.55
Place Bet: 4 or 102 to 119 to 103.33
2 craps or 12 craps35 to 133 to 1
There is no Big 6 or 8--------

Bar 1-2 Some greedy casinos (on cruise ships perhaps) bar 1-2 and not 1-1 or 6-6. This gives them a greater edge on Don't Pass/Don't Come bets.

BetTrue OddsPay-offHouse Edge %
Don't Pass/Don't Come976 to 8401 to14.40

There are 36 possible outcomes of two dice. The following tables show the true odds for the specified outcome of the dice.

(A) This column gives the number of possible ways of making the dice total.

(B) This column gives the odds against making the dice total in a single roll.

(C) This column gives the odds against rolling the dice total before a 7.

(D) These columns give the odds against making the higher dice total before the lower dice total. e.g. 12 before 6 = 5 - 1. For making the lower number before the higher, reverse the odds. e.g. 6 before 12 = 1 - 5.

121 35 - 1 6-112
112 17 - 13-1 2-111
103 11 - 1 2-1 3-1 3-210
94 8 - 1 3-2 4-1 2-1 4-39
85 6 - 1 6-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-48
76 5 - 1 - 6-1 3-1 2-1 3-2 6-57
65 6 - 1 6-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 1-1 5-66
54 8 - 1 3-2 4-1 2-1 4-3 1-1 4-5 2-3 4-55
43 11 -1 2 -1 3-1 3-2 1-1 3-4 3-5 1-2 3-5 3-44
32 17 - 1 3-1 2-1 1-1 2-3 1-2 2-5 1-3 2-5 1-2 2-33
21 35 - 1 6-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-22

Casino Craps Dice For Sale

Hardway Odds of making a number as a double, before a 7 or as another combination.

4 (2 + 2)8 - 1
6 (3 + 3)10 - 1
8 (4 + 4)10 - 1
10 (5 + 5) 8 - 1

Casino Craps Dice For Sale

Odds against rolling a specified double are 35 - 1

Odds against rolling a specified combination of two differing numbers are 17 - 1

Craps Casino Game

Odds against rolling craps are 8 - 1