Online Games You Can Play With Friends Over The Internet
© Provided by ILLUSTRATION War Espejo
You can have a bunch of its turn-based Scrabble-like matches going on at once, including in-game chat – and if your real-life friends aren’t playing, it’ll match you up with strangers. Words with Friends is a hugely popular version of Scrabble that you can play with friends. You can play games over hours, days or weeks as you don't need to play words straight away, so it's a. If you like to take on a character role and play with thousands of other players, you can check out our MMO games. Many of these massively multiplayer online games feature a storyline, and they often have a role-playing element. The most popular ones are Battle for the Galaxy and Game of Thrones.
( Games are always a great way to have fun. If you’re not really into the wild, wide, world of gaming, we’re sure you still appreciate a little easy gameplay—especially if you happen to be bored out of your mind and your friends are far, far away. We round up 10 super simple or classic games you can play with friends or family of any age group online and with Internet speeds as notoriously slow as the Philippines’.
No need to give them instructions; Just make sure Adobe Flash is enabled, give them the link and go. Probably best to get a video-chat app open, too, so you can gleefully watch as they lose.
Also read:10 Fun Board Games for Your Next Get-Together
Check out these 10 simple online games you can play with friends:
Cards Against Humanity
© Provided by Screenshot from playingcards.ioIt’s time to shed your Nice Guy persona. You can play this scandalous-on-purpose card game online through this site. There’s no need to register or anything—just make sure your friends have the link and you can play the game together (virtually speaking). The interface is easy enough to understand and all you have to do is click and drag cards to make the worst sentences you could possibly think of.
© Provided by Screenshot from Battleship-game.orgGrab a friend (virtually) and challenge them to a classic round of Battleship. There are lots of online versions of this game but this site’s minimalist look lets you keep track of your and your friend’s moves—increasing the chances of you sinking their ship. All you have to do is give your chosen opponent the link so you can play real-time.
© Provided by Screenshot from SKribbl.ioTest your drawing skills (or judge your friend’s capabilities) with this online game. It’s a bit like charades, except instead of acting the chosen word out, you draw it on the screen. The game gives you 80 seconds to draw out a word and for players to guess what it is. You can choose to play with your friends by creating a private room—just send them the link—or play with a bunch of strangers online—the only time you should be talking to strangers.
Connect 4
© Provided by Screenshot from PaperGames.ioIt doesn’t get any better than a classic game of Connect Four. Just send a friend the code and you guys could spend a lot of time trying to best each other; add a time limit or play with no goal in mind to make it extra messy and fun. If you’re looking for something more challenging, the host site also has Tic-Tac-Toe, gomoku (which you may know as Five in a Row), and Battleship.
© Provided by Screenshot from lichess.orgIf you guys want to get your brain cells up and running, why not challenge a pal to an online round of chess? This ad-free site offers the simplest and most direct interface for the game of masters. All you have to do is send your opponent the link and the game will help you keep track of the moves and scoring in real time. Only drawback? Neither of you will have the satisfying joy of saying 'checkmate' out loud for your opponent to hear.
© Provided by Screenshot from Agar.ioWe’re sure you’re familiar with the instructions for Agar: just move your mouse around to lead a circle to little dots you can eat to grow bigger and bigger. Think of it as a massive Petri dish and you’re a little cell trying to grow while avoiding other bigger cells that could eat you up. The site is open to thousands of players online but there’s also the option to create a link you can send to your friends, so you can all play in the same field. Just be warned: It can get pretty competitive, and the temptation to eat your own friends' circles is pretty strong.
© Provided by Screenshot from Bestiefy.comNothing like an online quiz to test—and maybe break—friendships. While technically not an online game, Bestiefy is a lot of fun to play with friends. You can use the site to make a simple multiple-choice quiz about yourself that you can send to your friends. While we doubt an online quiz is an accurate gauge of friendship, it’s still fun to add in your own wacky questions and see what they think the answer is. Plus, there’s a leaderboard where all participants can see who got the highest score and get the jibes and the teasing going.

Still have a dictionary lying around? While this game was originally on Facebook, you can now play it online with your friends—or, again, a bunch of strangers. Just note that there’s no link you can get to create a private game but you can just all agree to log into the same playing room and signing-up is required. The rules are just the same as Scrabble. There’s no telling how creative your opponents might be when it comes to thinking up words—especially with Google an open tab away—so we guess you’ll just have to trust.
Custom Card Game
© Provided by Screenshot from playingcards.ioIf you’re looking for your classic tambayan card games online (i.e. pusoy dos, unggoy-ungguyan), here’s one place you can play it. This site lets you customize a standard 52-card deck into any game you and your friends can think of. The screen has the 52 cards—you can also add in Joker cards, if needed—that you can click and drag depending on what you’re playing. It certainly won’t be as versatile as the actual thing but hey, it’s still better than nothing.
© Provided by Screenshot from Facebook Instant GamesWe’re sure you’re aware Facebook hosts a ton of games, but did you know you could play the all-time fave, friendship-ending card game online? You can play UNO with your friends or with a bunch of strangers on mobile or desktop via Facebook Instant Games. The rules are a little stricter here, especially since the site controls the gameplay (so definitely no cheating) but at the very least there’s sure to be no throwing of cards (or worse, shade) online.
As we are all locked away from our buddies, so it is a nice time to find some games to play over Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp with them. You can play such games by video calling your friends or even conference calling your whole group. There are many exciting games that you can play to happily pass the abundance of leisure time.
In this post, I will tell you about the 20+ Fun Games to play over Skype/Facetime/WhatsApp & Other Video calling Apps that’ll help you feel stay close to the ones you can’t meet in person currently. If you fall into the social butterfly category, you’d definitely love these games.
- 1 Fun Games to Play Over Facetime, Skype & WhatsApp Video Call:
Fun Games to Play Over Facetime, Skype & WhatsApp Video Call:
Games are an integral part of having fun in our free time. There are a lot of games that need to you be with the person with whom you are playing. But, there are certain games that you can play with your friends without being near. You’ll just need to connect with them using a video call. You can play these games using any of the video calling services like Skype, WhatsApp, or Facetime.
When the normal talks over a video call get boring, you can start playing these games to kick in the fun part. And, to multiply the fun, you can start playing the games with your group. So, none of you are left bored at home.
1. Never Have I Ever
You may already know about this game but have you ever tried it while video calling? No? Then, you must try it ASAP. It is an exciting game where players take a turn telling some really interesting facts about what they have never done. One person says Never have I ever, while the other person throws the name of any activity. And, then the first person needs to respond with Never or I Did. It is a fun game that usually starts with general things but escalates very quickly to shocking stuff.
2. Truth or Dare
This is the game that almost everyone has played at least once with someone. It doesn’t even need any introduction. But, on a video call, you don’t have to spin a bottle or anything. You just have to take turns one after another and choose Truth or Dare Games. And the other person will ask you a question if you chose truth or will give you a dare that you have to complete while video calling if you chose dare. It is an exciting game that has a high tendency to turn naughty real soon!
3. Complete the Story
This is the finest game to play with your best friend whom you secretly adore a lot. In this game, you just have to say any random line from which you both need to spin an interesting story. Both of you have to take turns saying a line after line to complete the story. Just try it and you’ll notice that this game can be literally played for hours without getting bored.
4. Read My Lips
Read My Lips is a simple game that you can play with one or as many people you want on a video call. In this game, one person says a word but without any voice or muting the mic. While the other person has to guess what he or she said by reading their lips. The one who guesses more is announced as a winner.
5. Rock, Paper, Scissors
Yes, you can actually play Rock, Paper, Scissors over a video call and it is really fun playing. The only thing that you need to do this is a good internet connection and clear video call quality.
6. Words
This is a really fun game that can be played for hours with your friends. In this game, you just need to pick a category like countries, animals, or anything and say a word related to it, and the other person has to say anotherword starting with the last letter of the word you said. The repetition of words is not allowed and you only get 20 seconds or less to think of the word. The one who is out of words loses the game.
7. Pick One
Pick One is a fun game that you can play to know about the other person better. In this game, all the participants have to take turns in giving a person two choices, and the person has to pick one from them. For example, you’d say Coffee or Tea, Boyfriend or Bestfriend, Summer or Winter and the other person has to pick their choice.
8. What If
In this game, you have to create random interesting situations and ask the other person that what he or she will do in it. For example, you have to say Whatif you are stuck on an island, and the other person will respond with their answer. It is a simple yet very fun game played especially among the couples to bond better.
Online Board Games You Can Play With Friends Over The Internet
9. Tell 5 Names
This is a simple yet tough game that you can play individually or by being in teams with your friends. In this game, one person or team has to say a category like Animal, Countries, Actors, Singer, and anything, while the other has to tell 5 names related to that.
10. Dumb Charades
Dumb Charades might be the most popular game that people play on social gatherings like picnics or parties. But, have you ever played it on a video call? If not, just give it a try. To play it on a video call, the one who is mimicking the movie needs to turn off their mic and the other person has to guess the name of the movie. All the other rules are the same as the original game.
11. Riddles
Riddles is one more exciting game that you can play with your friends. In this game, you have to ask a riddle to the other person and he or she has to reply with an answer in the given duration of time. If the other person is not able to guess the answer, he/she is declared as a loser and must complete a task of your choosing. You can also visit if you can’t think of any good ones.
12. Skip the Number
Online Games To Play With Friend
This is another very popular game among teenagers. In this game, you have to count the numbers starting from 1 but you have to skip the multiples of either 3 or 5. For example, when you have to skip 3, one person says 1, the other says 3, the first one says 4, the other says 5, the first one says 7, and so on.
Bonus List of All the Games to Play Over Skype/Facetime/WhatsApp Video Call
- Never Have I Ever
- Truth or Dare
- Complete the Story
- Read My Lips
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Words
- Pick One
- What If
- Tell 5 Names
- Dumb Charades
- Riddles
- Skip the Number
- Board Games
- Personal Quiz
- Guess the object by hints
- Kiss, Marry & Kill
- Dance Party
- Statue
- Guess the Full Form
- Would you Rather
- Extempore
- Guess the Song
- Movie Lines
Online Card Games You Can Play With Friends Over The Internet
Final Thoughts
Online Games You Can Play With Friends Over The Internet On Phone
Staying at home without being able to meet your friends is boring, but these fun games can help you stay close to them. You just need to video call them and play these games so both of you can kick the boredom together. If you know about some more interesting games, let us all know using the comment box. Also, if you have any confusion regarding the rules of any game mentioned in this post, you can freely ask me in the comments section.