Sports Fanduel
FanDuel is the premier destination for sports fans online. In 2009, FanDuel reimagined the concept of fantasy sports, giving fans the ability to play one-day fantasy sports for real cash prizes. And despite many imitators, there’s still no better place to play. As a return of sports gets closer, make sure to check out FanDuel for our latest promotions and bonuses for both new and returning fantasy players! Get full scores, news, data, and daily coverage of NFL, NBA, NCAA, MLB, NHL, Premier League Soccer, and Champions League Soccer, join the fun and start on the path to winning cash today! FanDuel Sportsbook was one of the first companies to form following the rise of the daily fantasy sports industry. It was founded in 2009 and is now one of the biggest gaming companies in the U.S. Following the overturn of PASPA in 2018, FanDuel made the natural expansion to get into sports betting and has since launched sportsbooks in New.
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While sports bettors around Colorado can place wagers using one of many mobile betting apps, the state's only in-person sportsbooks are located in casinos in Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek. But working with FanDuel, one of the sports-betting heavyweights, some entrepreneurs are now offering a hybrid option.
'It's the closest thing to a sportsbook,' says Noel Hickey, owner of the Celtic on Market, the Irish pub at 1400 Market Street. The Celtic is also a licensed off-track-betting facility, where gamblers can watch horse and dog races 'off-track' and legally bet on them; at sportsbooks, gamblers can bet on all sports.
But the Celtic is betting on gamblers willing to put up with certain limitations in order to stay in Denver, enjoy the ambience of a bar...and maybe win some money. In December, the Celtic unveiled 'Cash at Counter,' a partnership with FanDuel. Using the FanDuel app, bettors can deposit cash in person at the Celtic and make bets while watching sports.
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The Celtic doesn't actually take bets; gamblers must place wagers on their phones. But Hickey believes the amenities of his place and the tactile aspects of exchanging cash will bring people in. 'It's nice to win, but it's much nicer to get the cash,' says Hickey, acting out flipping through $500 in bills while he takes a break from bartending for the half-dozen people drinking at the first-floor bar. That area is filled with TVs showing horse and dog races, as well as more traditional sporting events.
The Celtic's off-track-betting venue is in the building's large basement. Before the pandemic, it would typically fill up for popular sports events like the Kentucky Derby. During the pandemic, following social distancing rules, the space can fit about fifty people.
According to Hickey, most of the 500 or so people who have made use of the sports-betting counter since it opened last month have been men in their twenties. While some have been avid horse- and dog-race gamblers who placed their winnings in a FanDuel account, many came in to bet on other sports and then became interested in betting on races. 'A lot of them have never even experienced horses or dogs,' says Hickey, who takes time to sits down with new customers and explain the basics of betting on races.
The Celtic gets no commission from the FanDuel deposits, but benefits from new customers generated from the arrangement. And sports gamblers get bonuses for making in-person deposits at the Celtic.
Other off-track betting facilities in the metro area whose licenses are owned by Twin River Worldwide Holdings — a casino company that owned Arapahoe Park racetrack and established a larger footprint in Colorado before sports betting went live — have similar arrangements with FanDuel. Besides the Celtic, there are FanDuel 'Cash at Counter' sites at Havana Park in Aurora, Elevated Stakes in Colorado Springs, and Odds On in Arvada.
'We're doing what we can do legally,' explains Bruce Seymore, executive director of the Colorado horse-racing operations for Twin River. 'It helps our business. Someone comes in and cashes and may want to stick around. The bar might make some money.'
The Colorado Division of Gaming has signed off on the off-track facilities opening cash counters in partnership with FanDuel.
'These cash counters are just an option to fund accounts and make withdrawals, similar to how PayPal or Apple Pay used to fund sports-betting accounts, but the counters are for people funding accounts with cash. They have no betting functionality, so they're allowed per rule. All the options to fund accounts are approved by the Division of Gaming director after the division reviews for internal control procedures and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) practices,' says Suzi Karrer, a division spokesperson. FanDuel did not return a request for comment.
While officially sanctioned by state regulators, the cash counters are a bit of a workaround to the spirit of sports betting in Colorado.
When Colorado lawmakers were working on the language of Proposition DD, which would legalize sports betting in Colorado, one of their selling points was that the 'brick-and-mortar' aspects of the state's sports-betting market would be limited to Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek, where gambling has been legal for close to three decades.
'There was a fear that this would be like marijuana, where there were physical ticket windows on every corner, that in a way can lead to more falling into the negative impacts of gaming,' Alec Garnett, the Democratic state lawmaker (and now House speaker) who championed sports-betting legalization, told Westword in June 2019. 'Somebody who gets paid in cash on a Friday and just wants to go up to a ticket window and wants to risk it all is much more likely to happen with brick-and-mortar all over the state than it is with creating an online account linked to a bank account.'
In their final proposal, Garnett and other lawmakers ended up excluding off-track betting facilities from being allowed to open retail sportsbooks, instead creating the two sports-betting prongs of casinos and mobile apps. A slim majority of Colorado voters ended up approving sports betting in November 2019; under the language of Proposition DD, the majority of tax revenue generated by the wagers goes to the Colorado Water Plan. The legal market went live in May 2020.
FanDuel contributed $1.35 million to efforts to pass the measure; that amount represented 35 percent of the $3.86 million put into the campaign. Twin River, which also has a partnership with DraftKings in Colorado, contributed $350,000.
Between then and the end of December, bettors in Colorado wagered $1.185 billion on sports, which resulted in the state collecting $3.4 million in taxes. Only a small percentage of the bets were made in person at casinos. The vast majority of the money wagered went through mobile betting apps, including DraftKings and FanDuel; some of those were made in person at Cash at Counter locations, which might look like sportsbooks...but aren't.
'The Speaker is confident that the Division of Gaming has worked hard to listen to and balance the interests of the many stakeholders involved in sports betting, and that they are making fair decisions while creating the sports-betting regulations that are best for Colorado and its people,' says Jerónimo Anaya-Ortiz, a spokesperson for the Colorado House Democrats.
'Obviously, I wish we could be doing the full thing,' says Seymore.
But for now, the Celtic on Market and other Cash at Counter off-track-betting facilities are settling on the next best thing to a sportsbook allowed by the state.
Hickey is betting on the return of sports fans to Coors Field, Ball Arena and Empower Field at Mile High. By then, he plans to install a 20-by-20-foot screen in the pub.
'It'll feel like a sportsbook without calling ourselves a sportsbook,' Hickey says.
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Visit: FanDuel Sportsbook
Bettors across the US make FanDuel Sportsbook the No. 1 online sports betting platform by market share in the nation. The FanDuel Sportsbook app puts a world-class sports betting site at your fingertips.
FanDuel Sportsbook offers online sports betting in ten states. The selection of betting markets and deposit options put FanDuel Sportsbook in an elite class in the US legal sports betting industry.
Read on in this Gaming Today review for a FanDuel Sportsbook promo code and bonus offer.
FanDuel Sportsbook Sign-up Offer (8/10)
FanDuel Sportsbook Sign-Up Offer | Use our exclusive link to claim 55/1 bet |
Type Of Bonus | Bet $5, Win $275 |
Terms And Conditions | Rebate applied to your first bet at FanDuel Sportsbook if it loses |
States Available In | NJ, PA, IL, IN, IA, CO, WV, TN, MI, VA |
Promo Code Verified | February 2021 |
Super Bowl Special Bonus: FanDuel has a special offer for the Super Bowl 2021 – Bet on either team and get 55/1 odds. You can Bet $5 and win $275!
The FanDuel Sportsbook sign-up offer listed above unlocks a risk-free bet up to $1,000 for new players. After making your first deposit, your first bet at the sportsbook is eligible for a refund if it loses.
The risk-free rebate covers wagers up to $1,000 and applies to your first single bet made on the platform. Any kind of bet qualifies for the risk-free bet bonus.
Many online sportsbooks offer risk-free bets as welcome bonus offers. FanDuel’s promotion gets high marks for its $1,000 cap, as it’s higher than the $500 risk-free bet offered at books like BetMGM, Barstool Sportsbook, and FOX Bet.
Other FanDuel Sportsbook Promotions
The risk-free bet welcome bonus marks one of many ongoing FanDuel Sportsbook promotions. Clicking on the “Promotions” tab at the top left of the main lobby brings up a menu of FanDuel’s current offers for sports bettors.
FanDuel Sportsbook offers Parlay Insurance for several different sports. For all parlays of five legs or more, the house refunds up to $25 if one leg of the parlay loses. All other portions of the parlay ticket must win, however.
FanDuel Sportsbook extends a substantial array of player promotions, with the risk-free bet representing a relatively standard welcome bonus.
FanDuel Online Sportsbook Features (10/10)
With a robust selection of sports, ways to bet, and deposit/withdrawal options, FanDuel Sportsbook offers one of the top overall sports betting platforms in the legal US industry.
Bettors of all experience levels should find plenty to like about FanDuel Sportsbook, including international sports and niche games.
FanDuel Sportsbook Betting Markets
FanDuel covers just about every imaginable sport with its online wagering platform. FanDuel Sportsbook betting markets include all four major US leagues, Major League Soccer, NASCAR, MMA, golf, tennis, and more.
International betting markets include the English Premier League and several other major overseas soccer leagues. Aussie Rules Football, rugby, international motorsports, and cricket represent just a few of the other international sports open for betting at FanDuel Sportsbook.
Table tennis emerged as a popular niche sport for US bettors in 2020, and FanDuel Sportsbook offers a world-class selection of matches. Other niche games at the sportsbook include darts.

Features Of FanDuel Sportsbook
The sports available at FanDuel Sportsbook appear on the “Sport A-Z” vertical menu on the left side of the screen. Clicking on a sport brings up all available leagues in that sport, with upcoming games for each.
Moneyline, point spread, and totals bets for each game show up in standard format. The horizontal menu at the top of each game allows you to browse all available wages on the contest.
This menu includes team and player futures, as well as any available odds boosts for the league you’ve selected. Odds boosts offer special player-friendly lines on particular games and futures bets.
Fanduel Sports Promo Code
Live betting at FanDuel Sportsbook offers the chance to bet on a game as it’s in progress, with odds that shift every few seconds. The mobility and excellent user interface at FanDuel Sportsbook make it an industry leader in live betting.
Quality Of The Lines At FanDuel Sportsbook (10/10)
Sharp bettors research multiple different sportsbooks for every bet, choosing the book that offers the best odds. FanDuel Sportsbook tends to offer competitive odds on just about every betting market, making it a great option across many sports.
Here’s a look at how the moneyline odds on Super Bowl LV stacked up at FanDuel Sportsbook versus two of its biggest competitors in the legal sports betting market:
Super Bowl LV Moneyline Odds
Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Kansas City Chiefs | |
FanDuel Sportsbook | +146 | -174 |
DraftKings Sportsbook | +145 | -167 |
BetRivers | +143 | -175 |
These three top sportsbooks offer similar odds on both sides of the Buccaneers-Chiefs matchup. Astute bettors, however, will search for even the slightest advantage when choosing which sportsbook to use for a Super Bowl bet.
FanDuel Sportsbook’s (+146) moneyline on Tampa Bay represents the best odds on the underdog Buccaneers.
DraftKings Sportsbook gives an edge to bettors on the favored Chiefs. This snapshot of the Super Bowl lines came from ten days before the game.
As with any sports bets, the lines can change from day to day and even hour to hour, depending on the public’s betting activity. Sportsbooks set the lines on each game in a way that allows the house to make money no matter which team wins the contest.
Sportsbook Vig
All betting lines offered by a sportsbook come with a built-in edge for the house. This edge, known as vig, varies from line to line.
The FanDuel Sportsbook line on the Super Bowl includes a 4.15% vig for the house. The DraftKings Sportsbook line gives the book a 3.36% edge, while BetRivers comes in at 4.79% vig.
DraftKings Sportsbook offers the most player-friendly bet in this example. Overall, FanDuel Sportsbook’s betting markets consistently offer lines that compete with anything else in the market.
Sports bettors would be wise to include FanDuel Sportsbook in the search for favorable lines on any wager.
FanDuel Sportsbook App (10/10)
Mobile betting apps for Apple iOS and Android allow for a truly mobile wagering experience. As long as you’re within the borders of a legal sports betting state, you can take FanDuel Sportsbook mobile betting with you wherever you go.
The FanDuel Sportsbook app allows betting from anywhere within a legal state, as long as you can access a WiFi connection.
FanDuel Sportsbook iOS App
The FanDuel Sportsbook iOS app allows players to access the sports betting site on iPhone or iPad devices. You can download the app for free from the App Store at any time.
Apple device owners should click on the “FanDuel Sportsbook & Casino” app to download from the App Store. The app gets a 4.7 out of 5 stars rating from Apple users, making it one of the highest-rated products on the market.
FanDuel Sportsbook Android App
Like the iOS counterpart, the FanDuel Sportsbook app for Android devices offers one of the smoothest and most user-friendly mobile wagering apps in the US. All of the betting markets, features, and deposit options from the desktop version of FanDuel Sportsbook are also offered on the mobile app.
Android users must download the mobile betting app directly from the FanDuel Sportsbook website, as the Google Play store doesn’t allow real-money gambling apps.
FanDuel Sportsbook Desktop
The most straightforward way to access FanDuel Sportsbook is through the platform’s webpage. Searching for “FanDuel Sportsbook” brings up a link to the site, and you can register for a new account, deposit, and make bets with no download required.
How To Download The FanDuel Sportsbook App (10/10)
- How to find the FanDuel Sportsbook app – Apple iOS users can search for “FanDuel Sportsbook” in the App Store to bring up the free download link. The app you’re looking for comes up as “FanDuel Sportsbook & Casino.” In states where FanDuel Casino operates, the app functions as an integrated sports betting and online casino platform. Android users can find the app here.
- Register for a new account – Clicking on the “Join Now” tab brings up a list of states offering access to FanDuel Sportsbook. Click on your state, choose a username and password, and supply a valid email address.
- Claim the FanDuel Sportsbook promo code bonus offer – Gaming Today offers promo codes allowing new players to unlock the welcome bonuses at FanDuel Sportsbook. Check this page before registering for a new account to get the latest FanDuel Sportsbook promo code details.
- Make your first deposit – Once you’ve registered, click on the “Add Funds” tab at the top right of the main lobby. You’ll need to provide proof of age and identity before you can put money in your FanDuel Sportsbook account.
- Place your first bet – The main lobby includes the “Sport A-Z” vertical menu on the left of the screen. Choose the sport you’re looking for from this menu and take a look at all available leagues in that sport. From there, click on a line, and it appears on the Betslip to the right. Enter the amount you want to bet, click on “Place Bet” and your wager goes through.
Availability of the FanDuel Sportsbook App (10/10)
The overturn of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) led the way for the current sports betting boom in the US. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled PASPA unconstitutional in May 2018.

The court ruling allows US states to choose their own laws regarding sports betting. More than a dozen states have allowed legal online sports betting since the fall of PASPA, with FanDuel Sportsbook emerging as the No. 1 online sportsbook in the US by market share.
FanDuel Sportsbook offers online sports betting in ten states, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, West Virginia, Tennessee, Virginia, and Michigan.
FanDuel Sportsbook New Jersey
FanDuel Sportsbook New Jersey operates as the gold standard in the biggest online sports betting market in the US. Following its debut in September 2018, FanDuel Sportsbook quickly emerged as the most popular mobile sports betting platform in the Garden State.
Most states mandate that online sports betting brands team up with land-based casino license partners. FanDuel Sportsbook New Jersey operates in a licensing agreement with New Meadowlands Racetrack.
New Jersey players can access FanDuel Sportsbook New Jersey and Betfair Casino from an integrated app.
FanDuel Sportsbook Pennsylvania
The No. 2 mobile sports wagering market in the US also operates with FanDuel Sportsbook as the most popular mobile wagering option. FanDuel Sportsbook Pennsylvania accounted for nearly 50% of total market share in the Keystone State in 2020.
The highly competitive Pennsylvania sports betting landscape sees FanDuel Sportsbook as the overwhelming top revenue-earning platform. FanDuel Sportsbook Pennsylvania operates under a licensing partnership with Valley Forge Casino Resort. The Pennsylvania app offers both sports betting and online casino gaming from a hybrid platform.
FanDuel Sportsbook Indiana
Indiana stands as yet another state where FanDuel Sportsbook takes the top market share in mobile sports betting. Operating under a licensing partnership with Blue Chip Casino, FanDuel Sportsbook Indiana debuted in October 2019.
Online casinos aren’t yet legal in Indiana, but players in the Hoosier State can access FanDuel’s sportsbook and daily fantasy sports platform from the same app.
FanDuel Sportsbook Michigan
The newest addition to FanDuel’s growing US sports betting jurisdiction, Michigan launched legal online gambling in January 2021. FanDuel Sportsbook & Casino launched on the first day it possibly could under Michigan regulations, going live on Jan. 22.
Fanduel Sports Book And Casino
FanDuel Sportsbook operates under a licensing agreement with MotorCity Casino Hotel. The Detroit-based casino also hosts a retail version of FanDuel Sportsbook on the property.
FanDuel Sportsbook Virginia
Not to be outdone by Michigan, FanDuel became the first sportsbook to launch in Virginia, a day before its Michigan launch. A big week for FanDuel fans in the US.
Because Virginia has no retail casinos, and won’t until 2022, there are no local casino partnerships. Instead, FanDuel partnered with the Washington Football Team on its Virginia app. Although the team plays in Maryland, it is headquartered in Virginia.
FanDuel Sportsbook Review – Overall Score (9.6/10)
The FanDuel Sportsbook app stands as one of the top overall mobile sports wagering apps in the legal US market. FanDuel sportsbook emerges as one of the top choices for sports bettors in many different states.
That popularity comes from FanDuel Sportsbook’s reputation as one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly sports betting apps on the market. The selection of betting markets and ease of access puts FanDuel Sportsbook in an elite class among legal US online sportsbooks.
Why You’ll Like FanDuel Sportsbook
- Available in nearly every state with legal online sports betting
- Top-notch selection of sports
- Single wallet access to FanDuel DFS and FanDuel Casino (in selected states)
What Could Be Improved
- Some sportsbooks offer better welcome bonuses
- Betting markets don’t include some of the more obscure niche sports
- American Express and Discover debit/credit cards not accepted for deposits
FanDuel Sportsbook Review
Deposit And Withdrawal
Ways To Deposit

- Online Banking – This option facilitates an instant direct transfer from your bank account to the sportsbook.
- Debit/Credit Card – Debit/credit cards offer a convenient deposit option, but comes with a relatively high rejection rate by the issuing bank.
- PayPal – The most reliable deposit option at FanDuel Sportsbook, PayPal deposits go through nearly 100% of the time.
- Wire Transfer – Wire transfers can sometimes come with extra fees and extended turnaround times, and should only be used as a last resort.
- Casino Cage – You can visit the casino license partner of FanDuel Sportsbook in your state to make an in-person cash deposit.
- PayNearMe – In selected states, PayNearMe allows you to deposit cash at participating 7-Eleven and CVS stores.
- FanDuel Play+ Prepaid – One of the most convenient deposit methods, the FanDuel Play+ Prepaid card links directly to your sportsbook account.
- Gift Card – Some gift cards can be used to make deposits, but this method gets rejected at a relatively high rate.
Ways To Withdraw
- Online Banking – This option can be used for both deposits and cashouts.
- PayPal – A secure and reliable cashout option, which puts the funds in your PayPal account almost immediately.
- Casino Cage – A visit to FanDuel’s casino license partner allows you to withdraw funds from your online sportsbook account at the casino cage.
- FanDuel Play+ Prepaid – This prepaid card is issued by FanDuel and allows you to instantly transfer money to and from the sportsbook.
FanDuel Sportsbook Customer Support
FanDuel Sportsbook offers a comprehensive support page (look for the “Support” link at the bottom of the lobby), which answers many frequently asked questions.
Beyond that, the sportsbook offers both an email and live chat support option. The live chat support option generally provides a much quicker way to get a question answered versus the email method.
FanDuel Sportsbook Licensing
- New Jersey – Licensed by the Division of Gaming Enforcement, operating in partnership with New Meadowlands Racetrack. A retail FanDuel Sportsbook also operates at New Meadowlands Racetrack.
- Pennsylvania – Licensed by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, operating in partnership with Valley Forge Casino Resort (Boyd Gaming). A retail FanDuel Sportsbook also operates at the casino.
- Colorado – Licensed by the Colorado Division of Gaming, operating in partnership with Golden Gulch Casino (Eldorado Resorts). Golden Gulch also offers a land-based FanDuel Sportsbook
- West Virginia – Licensed by the West Virginia Lottery, operating in partnership with The Greenbrier. Guests at the Greenbrier can also place bets at a retail version of FanDuel Sportsbook.
- Indiana – Licensed by the Indiana Gaming Commission, operating in partnership with Blue Chip Casino (Boyd Gaming). Blue Chip Casino also offers a retail FanDuel Sportsbook.
- Illinois – Licensed by the Illinois Gaming Board, operating in partnership with Par-A-Dice Casino. The casino property also hosts a retail FanDuel Sportsbook.
- Iowa – Licensed by the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, operating in partnership with Diamond Jo Casino. The casino also offers an on-property FanDuel Sportsbook.
- Tennessee – Licensed by the Tennessee Education Lottery, operating as an online-only sports betting platform.
- Virginia – Licensed by the Virginia Lottery, operating in partnership with the Washington Football Team. FanDuel Sportsbook functions as an online-only platform in Virginia.
- Michigan – Licensed by the Michigan Gaming Control Board, operating in partnership with MotorCity Casino Hotel. The Detroit-based casino also offers a physical FanDuel Sportsbook.
FanDuel Sportsbook FAQs
Yes, but only in states that approve FanDuel to offer sports betting. The online version of FanDuel Sportsbook operates in ten states.
You must located within one of those states to legally play on FanDuel Sportsbook. FanDuel is available in about a dozen states, most notable Michigan, Virginia, and Illinois.
Yes. Apple iOS device users (iPhone and iPad) can find the FanDuel Sportsbook app in the App Store. Look for the FanDuel Sportsbook & Casino app and download it for free to set up the app on your iOS device.
Cbs Sports Fanduel
Yes. Android users must download the app directly from the FanDuel website, as the Google Play store doesn’t include real-money gambling apps.
Yes. The FanDuel Sportsbook & Casino app includes access to FanDuel Casino in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
Players outside of those states won’t be able to play at FanDuel Casino. Players in those states, however, can access both the sportsbook and casino from the same app.
FanDuel Sportsbook, as with all legal online gambling apps, uses geolocation services to determine your location when you login in or try to make a bet.
The geolocation technology won’t let you bet if it determines you’re outside of FanDuel Sportsbook’s legal jurisdictions. You’ll still be able to login in and browse the betting markets, but you won’t be able to bet until you’re in a state that allows FanDuel to offer sports betting.
Gaming Today offers the latest FanDuel Sportsbook welcome bonus promo code, so check this page before signing up and making your first FanDuel Sportsbook deposit.
The FanDuel Sportsbook welcome bonus presents a risk-free bet up to $1,000. Using the Gaming Today promo code, your first bet at the sportsbook is eligible for up to a $1,000 rebate if it loses.